"It was during the war, probably 1941 or 1942. I was deputy town
clerk of West Bromwich and a deputy air-raid controller. After a
full day in the office I spent many nights on Civil Defence duty
in the basement under the town hall at West Bromwich, which housed
our war room.
"I recall a visit to Control One one evening by one of our senior
police officers who had with him a map taken from a German bomber
brought down over the Malverns. The map clearly depicted the target
for the raids. These were to be on West Bromwich and, in particular,
there was a ring round the gas holder, inscribed N/W Birmingham
"This would certainly have provided a heartwarming sight to the
crews of the bomber. If the raid had succeeded there would have
been many casualties in the surrounding residential area. I knew
the gas holder well. It used to be the central feature of our own
West Bromwich gas works. In fact, I once went on the top of it.
"We had two young sons and one day they were playing up and my
wife said, can't you keep them occupied? So I contacted the gas
works and the chap said, yes, bring them down.
"Anyway we went up on to the top of the gas holder in an outside
lift. I have never been so terrified in my life. I still shake to
think about it. I'll never forget it.
" My memories of the war are still vivid. I remember standing
on the garden of our home in Harborne one night in November 1940
and watching Coventry burn, 30 miles away. We had some terrible