"On a very misty morning of September 1927, I was taken by my mother
to start school at the Tin School at Ettingshall, so-called, because
it was built with corrugated sheeting.
"Apart from lessons and sport we were taught country dancing by
Miss Richardson and the highlight of the year was May Day. The Queen
was crowned surrounded by all her courtiers, all dressed in white.
"Mr Gregg was the then headmaster. Then on a fine sunny day in
the summer of 1934 there was great excitement at the Tin School.
Two of its pupils, myself and a boy, Derrick Durant, were awarded
county scholarship places to Bilston Girls High School and Wolverhampton
Boys' Grammar School. This had not happened apparently for a number
of years.
"I shall never forget my mother and I walking down the drive of
this wonderful new school, tennis courts on the left and playing
fields on the right, into this marvellous building where the wonderful
Miss Dawson, headmistress, awaited us for an interview with regard
to uniform, rules etc.
"The length of our tunics were very important, we were measured
from the shoulder, we had to kneel down and the length was to where
the tape measure touched the backs of our knees.
"I will never forget the very strict but very kind Miss Dawson,
school assembly every morning, singing and prayers.
The scripture lessons she gave us with kindly advice and love,
I'm sure, in our adolescent years.
"Those were the days."