Our Century

The machete attack on St Luke's School

Nicola Rudge, Wolverhampton Born 1987

Nicola Rudge

" It was Monday, July 8, 1996. Our day at school had nearly ended and I just couldn't wait to get home. When I arrived home and got dressed and had done my homework, it was about 5.45 pm.

"My mom called me down to have my tea. That was when we found out on the 6pm news that there had been a terrible tragedy at St Luke's Nursery School and that a man had injured six children.

"Normally after our dinner we played outside the front. But my mom was so frightened that she wouldn't even allow us outside the back garden. The next day at school the teachers met you at the gates.

"At the beginning of school, at dinner and play time we weren't allowed to play on the school ground or on the field because the man hadn't been caught, and he could have been anywhere or even tried to do it again. It was so frightening.

"At home time we weren't allowed to go home unless we were picked up by an adult. At home and at school it felt as if you were in prison.

"That evening Horrett Campbell was caught hiding in a block of flats. Me and my family were so relieved. Then, later on that night, we found out that his dad only lived on the corner of our street.

"This tragedy could quite easily have been my school, or even my little brother's nursery school.

"This could easily happen again and ever since it happened, I have been vary wary about strangers in an outside school."